Sunday, November 09, 2008

More Election 2008 Cover pages

More 5 November 2008 newspaper covers from around the globe...

Another one of my favorites from The Times-Picayune, New Orleans, Louisiana. You have to click on the image to get the full effect of the thumbnail portraits of the previous 43 presidents of this here "perfect union" states, with a pointed RGB choice for the 44th thumbnail.

From a "too-close-to-call" state, The Fayetteville Observer, Fayetteville, North Carolina.

Diario de Pernambuco, Pernambuco, Brasíl. One of the many covers from Brasíl acknowledging the historic precedent in relation to the racial history of the United States.

From La Tribune, Paris, France. A headline in English.

A couple of odd-seeming images from Austrian newspapers. On the left the Salzburger Nachrichten, Salzburg, Austria; on the right Kurier, Vienna, Austria. Perhaps if I read German it wouldn't seem so strange to see a black child representing, um, who? Black American voters, Barack Obama? What about those hands on the presidential seal? They couldn't just use an AP image of Obama? Clearly those aren't his hands, coming out of an ill-fitting suit, holding a fake presidential seal...

Back to images that make sense...and I don't even read Hebrew. Maariv, Tel-Aviv, Israel...

... or Portuguese, Diário de Notícias, Lisbon, Portugal

I'd like to think their jubilation over Obama's victory might give Jamaica's journalists and other "mainstream" public voices impetus to consider his more tolerant stance on gays and lesbians (yes on civil unions, waffling on marriage, but a definite NO to sanctioning assault, rape, and murder as a public policy for accommodating some people's insecurity with sexual difference). The Gleaner, Kingston, Jamaica.

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