Friday, January 16, 2009

James Moody's "Moody's Mood for Love"

A great video of saxophonist/flautist/composer/bandleader James Moody giving a playful and animated performance of his composition "Moody's Mood for Love" with Dizzy Gillespie and a rather sober United Nations Orchestra. I can only imagine that given the presence of Gillespie and Moody, the musicians were too terrified of messing up to even crack a smile during the song.

And from an instructive August 15, 2008 interview with then 82-year-old James Moody. (Sometimes you really need a musician to interview another musician, still the young interviewer admirably keeps recouping, staying open, and going forward with the interview). Informative and humbling. Note Moody's comments about why he doesn't like gospel:



At 4:20 PM, Anonymous Howard A Rubin said...

I was listening to 40's music on Sirius and up comes Moody's Mood for Love after all the big band sounds that preceded it. I wondered why it was there and came to find out through this utube and interview that he was of the 40's, even though the song was more bebop than anything else. Mr. Moody is one of a kind and I'm glad he is still with us, as his music wull always be with us. Howie

At 12:21 PM, Anonymous Emily Vides said...

James Moody will perform and be honored in a concert with the Harvard Jazz Bands at Harvard University on April 10, 2010. There will be a series of interviews about Moody on the Office for the Arts blog starting next week:
info on the concert:

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